Week 6: Cooking with TPACK

For CEP 810 this week, we were asked to complete a TPACK quickfire challenge.  TPACK stands for technological, pedagogical and content knowledge and the idea of TPACK is to incorporate all of these ideas into one lesson in the classroom.  The importance of TPACK is to understand that as teachers, we all teach using these three tools, however, we don’t always blend them together to make our lesson the best it should be.  Technology integration can take a lesson from good to great if used in the correct way.

The quickfire challenge was both fun and challenging at the same time.  I instructed my husband to pick out a bowl, a plate and some sort of utensil for me to use.  I then had him pick a number from a bowl.  He chose number 4, which meant I had to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using a spatula, a mixing bowl and an appetizer platter.  It worked better than I thought it would because I was able to scoop the peanut butter and jelly out with the handle part of the spatula and spread it with the other end.  It was not ideal but I made it work and made a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Check out my video below:


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